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S. De Montijo-Prieto, E. Moreno Calvo, T. Bergillos-Meca, A. Lasserrot Cuadrado, M.D. Ruiz López, A. Ruiz-Bravo-Lopez
M. Jimenez-Valera,
"A Lactobacillus plantarum strain isolated from kefir protects against intestinal infection with Yersinia enterocolitica O9 and modulates immunity in mice", Research in Microbiology, vol.166
, 626-632, 2015
A. Ruiz-Bravo Lopez
M. Jimenez Valera,
"Particular medicinal products (The Common Technical Document and the Harmonisation of Medicinal Products)", Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law, vol.17
, 165-189, 2015
A. Ruiz-Bravo Lopez
M. Jimenez Valera,
"Vaccines (The Common Technical Document and the Harmonisation of Medicinal Products)", Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law, vol.17
, 191-212, 2015
S. De Montijo-Prieto, E. Moreno Calvo, M. Jimenez Valera
A. Ruiz-Bravo Lopez,
"Actividad inmunorrestauradora de Lactobacillus plantarum C4.", "V Workshop Probióticos, prebióticos y salud: Evidencia científica", None-None, 2014
T. Bergillos-Meca, E. Moreno Calvo, M. Jimenez-Valera, C. Cabrera-Vique, R. Artacho Martín-Lagos, M. Moreno Montoro, M.D. Ruiz López
A. Ruiz-Bravo Lopez,
"Efectos protector y regenerador de Lactobacillus plantarum C4 sobre la barrera de permeabilidad intestinal in vitro.", "V Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud", None-None, 2014
M.D.C. Bujalance Martinez-Cañavate, M. Jimenez Valera, E. Moreno-Calvo, M.D. Ruiz López, A. Lasserrot Cuadrado
A. Ruiz-Bravo Lopez,
"Lack of correlation between in vitro antibiosis and in vivo protection against enteropathogenic bacteria by probiotic lactobacilli", Research in Microbiology, vol.165:
, 14-20, 2014
T. Bergillos-Meca, M. Moreno Montoro, E. Moreno Calvo, M. Jimenez-Valera, C. Cabrera-Vique, R. Artacho Martín-Lagos, M.D. Ruiz López, M. Navarro Alarcón, R. Giménez Martínez, M. Olalla Herrera
A. Ruiz-Bravo-Lopez,
"Interaction between probiotic and starter strains involved in the elaboration of fermented goat milk", "IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition", None-None, 2013
J.M. Navarro-Mari, C. Gomez-Camarasa, M. Perez-Ruiz, S.L. Sanbonmatsu-Gamez, I. Pedrosa-Corral
M. Jimenez Valera,
"Clinic-epidemiologic study of human infection by Granada virus, a new phlebovirus within the sandfly fever Naples serocomplex", The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, vol.88
, 1003-1006, 2013
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024